5 Highly Underrated Broadway Musicals That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

If you know me, you also know that I am a huge lover of musicals and if you ever see me with my headphones in, chances are I’m playing a Rodgers and Hammerstein album or a newly-released Broadway recording. Through the hundreds of hours I’ve spent listening to showtunes, I’ve discovered some incredible shows that, in my opinion, don’t get nearly enough attention as they should. Here are 5 little-known musicals that are truly works of art.  1. Little Me Image credit: theatermania.com I’m a huge fan of musical comedies and this show, which was first performed in 1962 with

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Top 5 Most Sing-able Disney Songs

As a part 2 from my previous article “Top 5 Most Rewatchable Disney Movies,”  I will now list the top 5 most whole chest-ing-ly, sing-able Disney songs. Once again, this is based on my personal favourite songs and what I like to sing at the top of my lungs; pretending that I can actually sing. This list will look into the Disney princess songs rather than Disney as a whole, and I have decided to not mention any of the songs from Tarzan (as stated in the previous article, ALL the songs are insanely wonderful and I can’t choose!). 5.

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Instagram Captions for Spring!

Hey Fashionistas  As spring is upon us, the days are getting longer and I don’t know about you, but my mood is getting much better with all the sunshine and warmer weather!  We can finally get outside and stunt for the gram like we used to, so today I wanted to prepare you with some spring-forward Instagram captions for your photos, having always struggled with deciding on a caption, I hope these cute and clever ones will be helpful!  Now, we all know that the beginning of spring tends to be a very stressful time for us students as the

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The Individual Pandemic Experience

This past year has been unconventional to say the least, and as Ontario moves into yet another shutdown I couldn’t help but think about all the different stages of lockdown we have been moving through over the past few months. When thinking about how we have moved between lockdowns, zones, and different restrictions, I was interested to hear what other people in different areas have experienced. So, I reached out to Ryerson students with a few questions regarding the topic, and here are some of the responses I got.  I started out by asking where, geographically, students were when the

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Shooting a Photo Project with Vintage Polaroids

Up until this current semester, I had yet to ever take a photography class.  Since January, I’ve been completing NPF 568 – Analogue as Meaning. I’m lucky to have some talented classmates and a very knowledgeable professor. Any RTA folks with a deeper interest in film should consider taking it as an open elective, especially once we return to campus. Our final project, due in a few days as I write this, is to take a series of photos on instant film. With almost all of my images ready, I’m happy to walk you through my experience capturing the series.

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Ranking the 2021 Oscars Best Picture Nominees

The 2021 Academy Awards are right around the block. While this has been an unprecedented year for the film industry, there have been many great movies released – some of which have been recognized in the Best Picture category.  I really enjoyed watching all of these movies as this lineup is loaded with many great, unique films. It was difficult to pit them against one another, but I tried my best!  Here is my ranking of all of the Best Picture nominees from worst to best: 8. Trial of the Chicago 7 Directed by Aaron Sorkin Image Credit: Marie Claire

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2021 Oscars Predictions

Awards season is always my favourite time of the year. However this year is a little bit different. 2020 was a different year for the film industry as film releases and productions were pushed back. However, some films managed to make an impact in 2020, through online film festivals and on demand releases. Award season certainly looks different this year as the biggest night is almost here: The Oscars. Usually the Oscars are held around February, but of course the pandemic has changed that. I remember the euphoria of last year when Bong Joon Ho and Parasite won three Oscars

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Visually Appealing Music Videos

Before I get into it, I want to make one thing very clear — it was very difficult for me to compile a list for the purpose of this blog. I have been captivated by music and their accompanying videos since I was a kid and there is just no way I could choose “the best” or “my top five”. I just really appreciate the visuals and production of the following five videos and think anybody reading would enjoy them as well! The first one that came to mind and had always stuck in my memory was “The One Moment”

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The Best Locations Along Toronto’s Waterfront

As the weather is getting warmer and the semester is drawing to a close, the need for some fresh air is becoming more frequent every day. There are so many amazing places in Toronto to get outside and explore, but one prominent location is the shores of Lake Ontario.  We are very fortunate to live in a city with a beautiful waterfront that spans over 100 kilometres. Throughout the vast stretch of shoreline there are many unique and outstanding places that should be on every Torontonian’s bucket list to visit this season.  Here are some of the top locations along

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Asian Discrimination Within the Music Industry

As someone who is a part of the Asian community and enjoys the different Asian cultures, it has been a tough time knowing that people are so cruel in this world. It has also been tough knowing that the celebrities I often turn to have been struggling, but still put on a happy face to make their fans smile. So for today’s post, I really wanted to talk about how Asian artists in the music industry have shared their story and spoken up about the #StopAsianHate movement. Image Credit: @brenessa_design on Instagram Asians have always had to deal with this

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If You Liked… – Album Recommendations Based on Your Favourite Albums

Searching for good music can be hard, especially as a student. Though it’s easier now more than ever with Spotify’s curated playlist culture, it can still be difficult. We’re busy, calendar filled to the brim with deadlines. Spending our time searching for music and figuring out whether we like it or not is not exactly the best use of time. Sometimes we’re not sure if this one song in a playlist will actually lead to anything good. Thankfully, I’ve done the work for you today! I’ve compiled a list of popular albums from the past couple of years or so

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Toronto Maple Leafs Trade Deadline Options

Luke Glendening (Marc DesRosiers-USA TODAY Sports) The upcoming NHL trade deadline is unlike one that we have seen in years past and yes, it’s because of Covid. With quarantine restrictions, Canadian teams were hesitant to trade with teams outside the North division due to quarantine laws. But just last week, the required quarantine time was shortened from 14 days to just 7 which will likely result in the trade market starting to heat up.    The Toronto Maple Leafs are one of those teams who always have a leg in the race with every key free agent target on the market and

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How To Keep Your Plants Alive: 3 Tips

Image credit: shedoesthecity.com I used to be just like you, killing every plant I owned. It confused me for the longest time, how do people keep their plants looking so green and fresh while mine are literally losing leaves by the day? It took some experimenting, but I’ve finally learned how to be the ultimate plant whisperer who doesn’t kill her plants, but helps them live lush, prosperous lives. Here are my top tips on how to keep your plants alive and thriving: 1. Get real about your light situation You know how some plants will have one of those

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Zack Snyder’s Justice League: The Hero We Deserved

Faith, Alfred. Faith. Somehow, someway…Zack Snyder did it. The eclectic director finally got to release his original vision for Justice League, and it was a lot better than anyone expected! Except for the diehard Snyder fanboys. You guys win this round. In the wake of Marvel’s smash hits at the box office, Warner Brothers put Snyder in charge of heading their own superhero saga. His films got mixed reviews, and during his post-production of Justice League, Snyder had to leave due to the death of his daughter. Studio executives scrambled to find Avengers director Joss Whedon, who finished the movie,

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Three Student Budget-Friendly Travel Destinations to Start Researching

Image Credit: Paolina Loseto The moment the city of Toronto went on lockdown in March 2020, my brain automatically went “get me out of here.” One of my biggest goals for the longest time, is to travel to as many places I can and COVID-19 has only furthered my dreams to jet off to anywhere and everywhere I’ve never been. Of course it isn’t safe yet to travel, but who says you can’t get ahead on planning (and saving) for an amazing getaway.  In other words, if you’re like me and you plan on traveling again once it’s safe to

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