Karlie’s Toronto Bookstore Recommendations! Posted on March 9, 2022  If you’re a book lover like me, I’m sure it’s safe to assume that you’ve been meaning to check out some other bookstores within Toronto that aren’t Indigo. With the return of in person classes, what’s a better way to get to know the city than by just touring around? Well, you’re in luck!  Below, I have listed 5 of my favourite bookstores that are within a decent commuting distance from our school’s campus. These places are great for finding books, both used and new, comics/manga, local works, and more! The Beguiling:
The Best Animated Feature Film: According to Me Posted on March 7, 2022 The Oscars have recently released all the film nominees including those in the Animated Feature Film Catagory. Being a huge animation fan, I took it upon myself to watch all the nominees in the Best Animated Feature Film Category. This is not a ranking, but more so a review of these films to see if the Oscars’ picks are worth it. Encanto Image Credit: Distractify A new Disney classic, and are we surprised? I loved this movie; the music, the animation, the story, everything was so expertly
How Moneyball Captures the Greatness of Baseball Posted on March 3, 2022 Baseball has this reputation of being the “boring sport” and honestly, I don’t blame the people who think that. On its surface, baseball can seem pretty uninteresting. It doesn’t usually have the flashy plays that sports like hockey have or the big personalities we see in basketball. The appeal of professional baseball is harder to describe, but I think that Moneyball perfectly encapsulates what makes baseball so great. It’s also a really incredible movie. Image Credit: IMDb If you’re unfamiliar with the plot of the movie, Moneyball is

How to Cry In Different Media

Posted by FCAD IT on  March 2, 2022
How to Cry In Different Media Posted on March 2, 2022 I like to cry.  Obviously I don’t like to be sad, but I find crying can be a very cathartic experience that leaves you feeling refreshed and better for it. I figured now was the perfect time to recommend some tear jerkers seeing as we’re coming up on midterms as well as the post-valentines blues for the lonely souls. If you could use a cry but need a little help, here’s my recommendations in every medium so you can cry your heart out in whatever way works best for
Recommending Songs Based on Your Zodiac Signs (Part 1) Posted on February 25, 2022 I love music. Everyone loves music. Even if you don’t love music, you would still put something on when you’re, let’s say, doing chores, studying, commuting or reading a book. I also like learning about zodiac signs. I find it really fascinating how people in ancient times looked up in the sky, linked the stars together and formed these images that would have an influence on our personality traits. I, myself, don’t actually think that everything is written in the stars but astrology is still a
Toronto’s Best Parks (That Aren’t Trinity Bellwoods!) Posted on February 22, 2022 Ah, February. The month where the sad reality of winter truly sets in. This is the time of year when I start to daydream about the warmer days of summer, which now feel so distant. Fond memories of getting ice cream, biking, swimming at the beach, the smell of sunscreen… and if you live in Toronto like me, you probably spend a lot of time escaping the heat of the city in one of the city’s many parks. Alone or with friends, you can find me at a park

Celebrating Lunar New Year in Toronto!

Posted by Sophia Xavier Lee on  February 17, 2022
Celebrating Lunar New Year in Toronto! Posted on February 17, 2022 Photo by May Shi In the diverse city of Toronto, Lunar New Year is celebrated amongst many communities. This day happened to land perfectly on February 1st as many celebrate the Year of the Tiger! Since this calendar follows the moon cycle, the next 15 days are a time of feasting and honouring deities and ancestors. Many different cultures celebrated and continue to celebrate the new year in multiple ways. If you are in Toronto and are celebrating the Year of the Tiger, here are a few things you

My Favourite Taylor Swift Songs (and why)

Posted by Amanda Banks on  February 15, 2022
My Favorite Taylor Swift Songs (and why) Posted on February 15, 2022 I think we all know that Taylor Swift has had an enormous impact on the music industry and forever will. With over 200 songs, 9 original albums plus re-records, 10 Grammys and countless more awards, it’s evident that she has successfully made her career in the industry. I was a huge fan of hers growing up: I went to the “Red” tour Toronto show in 2013, had all of the CDs, and she was my go artist on my iPod touch. It’s safe to say when she began
5 Shows on Netflix That Are Actually Worth Watching Posted on February 11, 2022 If you’re like me, you’ve likely spent hours scrolling through Netflix for a new show to watch. Personally, I find it quite difficult to navigate the site and find shows that are actually worth watching. There are so many films and TV shows on there that I usually get overwhelmed with the options and can’t pick out the good ones from the bad ones. Despite this, I’ve managed to find some shows that I really enjoy. Here are 5 of my favourite shows on Netflix that

Polaroid Needs To Step Up Their Game

Posted by Lucas Moscati on  February 10, 2022
Polaroid Needs To Step Up Their Game Posted on February 10, 2022 Polaroid OneStep+ and images, photo from Happy Media Throughout the pandemic, the one hobby that I’ve gained a huge passion for is film photography. While my first experience with the medium was in 2017 when I was gifted a Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 for Christmas, I never really continued to pursue it after I finished the packs of film it came with. I instantly got back into photography in my senior year of high school when I took the photography course my school offered, and have it to

The CoHo “Curse”

Posted by FCAD IT on  February 9, 2022
The CoHo “Curse” Posted on February 9, 2022 This one’s for all the Book Tok readers out there. Over the past year I have been swimming in book recommendations, with screenshots of book covers cluttering my camera roll and titles written in random notes. But a couple of months ago I decided to try one of the ones that I had been seeing the most on my For You page, It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover. The pink cover I had seen over and over again being recommended by hundreds of book tok readers was seared into my brain.

How the 2015 Blue Jays Saved Toronto Sports

Posted by FCAD IT on  February 8, 2022
Mikyla Grant-Mentis: The Next Big Name in Toronto Sports Posted on February 8, 2022 On October 23, 1993, Joe Carter hit a walk-off home run in game six of the World Series, to clinch the Blue Jays second straight title. This is possibly the greatest moment in Toronto professional sports history, if not Canada as a whole. The clip of the home run with Tom Cheek’s iconic “touch em all Joe” line is played all the time on sports programs and for years it was “the” Blue Jays moment. But until recently, there was always this weird feeling I had

English Readings That Changed My Life

Posted by FCAD IT on  February 5, 2022
English Readings That Changed My Life Posted on February 5, 2022 If you’re in university like me, chances are you’ve had to do some readings for class. Actually, chances are you’ve had to do a lot of readings for class, most of which you probably forgot about shortly after completing them. I’m minoring in English, which means that I’ve had to get through a pretty large reading list during my degree. I definitely struggled to get into (or even really get through) some of those readings, and they have faded from my memory. But there are also certain readings that truly
The Journey of Spider-Man: No Way Home’s Record-Breaking Success Posted on February 4, 2022 Image Credit: Sony Do you know that feeling of being with a group of people that share a passion for the same thing? Whether it’s at a concert or in a classroom, you know that everyone is drawn there because they truly love it. You feel a sense of community一almost unification一and there’s an innocent joy to being a part of it. At least that’s how I’d describe the feeling when I watched Spider-Man: No Way Home in theatres this past December. Before I begin, don’t worry,
I Switched to The StoryGraph and You Should Too! Posted on February 3, 2022 If you’re like me, you too are someone who loves tracking down the media you consume, whether it be books, music, movies, and more. It’s a great way to look back at the past content that you have engaged with, recall any memories associated with it, and also connect with other people who share similar interests. For the longest time, Goodreads had always been the number one, go-to website for avid readers. It’s a simple interface that allows users to track, rate, and review books that they