Judging the Cover of My Books

Judging the Cover of My Books Posted on April 11, 2022 There is no one in the world that doesn’t judge a book by its cover. One of my fellow bloggers even wrote her blog on how to choose a book you may like by looking at its cover! When there are tons of books on the shelf to select from in a book store, the book cover or even its spine can help it catch your attention and lure you to take it off the shelf and all the way to your home sweet home. With that being said,

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Recommending Songs Based on Your Zodiac Signs (Part 2)

Recommending Songs Based on Your Zodiac Signs (Part 2) Posted on March 29, 2022 Welcome back to part 2 of me helping you discover your new favourite song according to your zodiac sign. This time, I’ll talk about the next 6 star signs. If you haven’t read part 1, feel free to check it out! Before we continue with the list, I want to mention again I am not a professional astrologer. I learn about the different personality traits of the different signs from my personal experience and the Internet. So let’s just focus on having fun talking about the

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Recommending Songs Based on Your Zodiac Signs (Part 1)

Recommending Songs Based on Your Zodiac Signs (Part 1) Posted on February 25, 2022 I love music. Everyone loves music. Even if you don’t love music, you would still put something on when you’re, let’s say, doing chores, studying, commuting or reading a book. I also like learning about zodiac signs. I find it really fascinating how people in ancient times looked up in the sky, linked the stars together and formed these images that would have an influence on our personality traits. I, myself, don’t actually think that everything is written in the stars but astrology is still a

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My First Time Celebrating Christmas!

My First Time Celebrating Christmas! Posted on February 1, 2022 I know it’s February but it’s never too late to talk about Christmas. And it IS important to talk about Christmas because I just had my first official Christmas during the winter break! I say “official” because I’m from Hong Kong and although we do hang Christmas lights, have Christmas dinner and exchange gifts sometimes, we don’t follow closely with the western tradition. In other words, we celebrate this festive season in the Eastern way. I remember when I was little, we would have spaghetti, chicken wings and spring rolls

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Poetry For Dummies (Like ME!)

Poetry For Dummies (Like ME!) Posted on December 16, 2021 What do you think about when someone mentions poetry? Complex language? Big and lengthy words that you’ve not seen before in your entire life? Complicated metaphors of some philosophical concepts that you’ll never understand? Or maybe boring Shakespearian sonnets that you learnt in your English class in high school? Some poetry can indeed be very difficult and trying to understand them can be daunting. But contrary to the common opinion about poetry being boring, I find them really fun to read!  To help you get into poetry (as you should)

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4 Moments When Movies Turn into ASMR

4 Moments When Movies Turn into ASMR Posted on November 24, 2021 I must say ASMR videos can be polarising. Some people search up ASMR videos on YouTube almost every night before going to bed while others find watching a person making random noises and sounds weird or sometimes sexual. I myself think that ASMR is a really interesting medium or art that definitely has its place in the world. For those of you who don’t yet know what ASMR is, here’s the definition: ASMR refers to “autonomous sensory meridian response”, a tingling sensation from the scalp and downward that

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