5 Coffee Shops Near Campus That You Need to Try!

5 Coffee Shops Near Campus That You Need to Try! March 24, 2023 Am I the only one who did nothing during reading week? Personally, I was extremely drained before reading week, so I did the bare minimum that week (I had a lot to do, but I had zero motivation). I took that week for myself, but now everything is catching up to me. Something that boosts my mood is coffee. Our campus is located in the heart of Toronto. There are a variety of restaurants with different cuisines and the cutest and most unique cafés. Since my time

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How the Canadian Women’s Soccer Gold Impacted Me

How the Canadian Women’s Soccer Gold Impacted Me March 10, 2023 On August 6, 2021, Canadian Women’s soccer team took gold over Sweden. This was my favourite memory of any Canadian National team win. It was a historic moment, the first gold medal the Canadian women’s team won in soccer. It was also a very emotional moment for me.  Growing up, I only really watched soccer unless it was a big game. I was always bored, but my coach wanted us to watch the game to learn from the players. Soccer is a slow-paced game (most of the time) and

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