Getting Fit For Summer! Make it Painless With These 4 Tips

It’s safe to say that this past winter will go down in history as being one of the laziest on record. We’re already inspired to eat more, sleep more and cuddle under blankets more when the temperatures start to drop, but sitting at our desk for 5+ hours a day brought a whole new level to our lounging habits. Summer is upon us and now’s as good time as ever to start shedding those winter pounds and get back into a fitness routine. Here are my best tips:

Tracking your calories and macros on the myfitnesspal app or website can really help you realize when you’re over-eating and help you get back down to your pre-Covid weight. Use this calculator to determine the right amount of calories for weight maintenance and then subtract 100 from the total. Set your daily caloric intake goal on myfitnesspal and you’re good to go! I like to input everything I plan on eating that day and then see how much I have left for ice cream 😉

2. Be honest with what kind of exercise you like

Not everyone likes to go for a one hour run at 7 in the morning. It’s important to pick a style of exercise that suits you and that you know you’ll stick to long-term. I know I’ll never stick to waking up early and running, but I’ll definitely workout at home. I am also picky with what kind of exercise I do, so I’ve taken my favourite weight training and pilates moves from different workout videos and made my own routine, which I’ll do while listening to a podcast or watching TV. Some people like going to fitness classes, some people like running outside, whatever it is, figure it out and make it your own!

3. Plan to workout everyday, but only do it when you can

I am a firm believer in no rest days, because there will undoubtedly be a day during the week where I don’t feel good, am too tired or too busy and decide at the last minute, “meh, I’m not gonna workout today”. That’s my (unplanned) rest day. So plan for some sort of physical activity everyday, even if it’s a few walks with your dog. As long as you’re moving, you’re golden.

4. Invest in your health

If you’re lacking motivation, grab a few fitness items from the store. Maybe a new water bottle, gym bag, yoga mat or weights. This will keep you motivated and excited to embark on your fitness journey. If you like the look of your gear, you’ll be that much more likely to work out. 


Getting into a fitness routine isn’t easy, but if you design it to suit your lifestyle, you can’t go wrong! Here’s to an active summer!

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