03. Warning: Positively Do Not Touch

In the third episode of Haunted Gringos, Laura Faria dives into the real story behind the Annabelle doll, the events leading up to the Warrens’ investigation, and the aftermath of the demonic doll’s placement within the Occult Museum. Laura discusses the 3 stages of hauntings, differences between spirits & demons, and how to avoid accidentally inviting one into your life. 

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The House Where Mercury Lives

Hey Astronauts! After completing the trilogy, we want to take a second (half an hour) to explain houses. Do you know those confusing numbers in your natal chart? They actually mean a lot more than you think!We’ll also talk about Mercury, the house of communication. It’s time to find out why you can’t keep secrets or always tell it like it is. Don’t forget to follow up on Instagram @astrogalz.podcast or email us your questions at astrogalzpodcast@gmail.com. 

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Sidereal vs. Tropical Astrology

Have we been lying to you this whole time?! Yes and no. In this penultimate episode of Twin Flames, Jubel and DQ explain a whole other form of astrology in Sidereal. We discuss how Sidereal may be more accurate in calculating your birth chart than Tropical, which is the common and widely used form of astrology. Listen to how our own personal birth charts changed and whether or not you should believe in Sidereal Astrology. 

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