SpiritLive Blog Writers

Amanda Banks
Amanda is a first-year Sport Media Student here at Ryerson University. She is passionate about hockey, animals (cats especially), writing and singing! Growing up in Toronto, she loves Queen Street and the Harbourfront area and would love to eventually live in a condo down at the lake. She loves trying new food places and restaurants all around the city and is always open to any recommendations. She wants to do a lot of travelling and one day live in New York City!

Coen Leung
Coen is a first-year RTA Media Production student from Hong Kong who is passionate about films, music, books and anything creative… and coffee! He likes to write and is open to writing about anything. In his blog, you’ll most likely see him ranting about the last movie he saw, fanboying over Taylor Swift, maybe crying over The Song of Achilles, and many more… Oh! And also coffee. 😉

Eric Cruikshank
Eric (he/him) is currently enrolled in his fourth year in the RTA Sport Media program and is a fan of all things sports and music. When he’s not watching the Maple Leafs lose, you can probably find him roaming around Scarborough with his headphones in listening to your next favourite artist. Look out for tons of content coming your way on SpiritLive.

Henry Wright
Henry is a third-year Sport Media student at XU from Ottawa. While he loves watching Nathan For You and listening to music, his first love has always been sports. He covers hockey, football and baseball and is always looking to talk about them with anyone he can. His dream is to be able to write and talk about sports for a living and you can check some of his work out at https://morning-skate.com where he writes about the Oilers.

Imara Belch
Imara is a 3rd-year Media Production student so naturally, she loves movies, T.V, music, and books as well as talking about them to anyone who will listen. She also loves her cat, though it’s debatable if he loves her back, and making art almost as much as she loves consuming it. You can often find her baking without measuring and subsequently eating very dry cookies but don’t worry, she won’t be writing about baking tips this year.

Jennifer Enchin
Jennifer Enchin is an RTA Media Production student, aspiring screenwriter and part-time copywriter hailing from Toronto, Canada. Jennifer has worked as a script reader for Pomegranate Pictures as well as a critic for the popular theatre blog “Mooney On Theatre”. She also placed as a quarterfinalist in The Austin Film Festival’s 2020 Screenplay Competition for her feature script “Seabirds”. Her favourite topics to write about include entertainment, health and wellness, spirituality and general spooky stuff.

Karlie Rogers
Karlie (she/her) is a 2nd year Media Production student with an affinity for horror movies, creative writing, manga, and spaghetti-not necessarily in that order. In her free time, Karlie likes to make art, listen to music, read, walk laps around the Eaton Centre Indigo, and hang out with her spoiled tuxedo cat named Jasmine.

Katelyn Gow
Katie (She/her) is a 3rd-year media production student with a love for film, TV and books. You can find her spending her free time exploring everything Toronto has to offer and finding as many ways as possible to be creative and have fun with friends. She is passionate about learning how storytellers are telling stories in new ways and how the industry is evolving. She is excited to write about young artists, shining a light on some of the incredibly talented people in the industry today and share them with you here on SpiritLive!

Maria Barr
Maria (she/her) is in her final year of Media Production. She is passionate about storytelling, whether that be through screenwriting, video editing, or blog writing! Maria enjoys chocolate gelato, reality TV, and crocheting toys for her cat Franklin.

Nicholas Cannito
Nicholas is a second-year Media Production student with a passion for all things writing. He’s an aspiring journalist, copywriter, screenwriter, and most other things that end in writer. He’s a seasoned theatre kid, a collector of obscure trivia, and an up-and-coming podcast host on SpiritLive’s very own Tier It Up!. He also makes a mean fried calamari, and he’ll share the recipe with you if you ask him nicely.

Olivia Cleaver
Olivia is currently in her second year of the Media Production program. She has a passion for all things creative including videography, editing, music, and fashion. In her free time, you will either find her with a book in her hand, scrolling through Pinterest, or obsessing over fictional characters from her favourite books and TV shows. One day she hopes to travel the world and maybe even move to London to pursue a career in the creative industries.

Reem Al Sharif
Reem is a Third Culture Kid from Saudi Arabia and has lived in six different places her whole life. She is currently a third-year New Media transfer. She’s passionate about books, dance, and is open to trying new things. She wants to make a positive impact in some way through community work and advocacy. Fiction writing has always been her forte, but she’s coming back to be a blog writer this year!

Sophia Xavier Lee
Sophia (she/her) is a first-year Media Production student who is very excited to join SpiritLive this year. She loves to capture life’s little moments through videos and film photography, all the while attending concerts and grabbing bubble tea. With a passion for connecting with others, she hopes to learn more about the community here and listen to their stories.