An Extensive Guide to Smoothie Making

An Extensive Guide to Smoothie Making March 10, 2023 Life as a university student has definitely proven to be very different to that of a highschooler. Everything is more intense: you have less time, money and freedom due to a heavier workload and increased number of responsibilities, so saving time and money where you can is a must. One way I’ve found I can make more efficient use of both is by switching a meal for a smoothie. I’ve been a big smoothie fan since a young age, but when my parents got me a nutribullet for christmas one year,

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Movie-Like Jewelry Heist Nets Thieves $500,000

Movie-Like Jewelry Heist Nets Thieves $500,000 March 7, 2023 Who doesn’t love a good heist movie? I personally love them. Everything from getting the gang together, scoping out the victims, making the plan, seeing it almost fall apart but then watching the thieves make their escape. What can I say, crime is one of my favourite forms of entertainment… wait let me clarify. FICTIONAL crime is one of my favourite forms of entertainment, the real stuff however, not so much, but every once in a while there will be a story in the news that scratches the same itch as

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