One thing I really miss about pre-pandemic life is going to the movies. The anticipation, the delicious but insanely expensive popcorn, and the pre-show trivia games and trailers are all highlights of the theatre experience. I’m a person who also loves to theory-craft with friends after a movie, and that might be the part I miss most about going out to my local Cineplex. Thankfully, that social aspect hasn’t totally been lost because of a perfect little place online that scratches that itch of roasting your favourite movies with friends – Letterboxd.
Letterboxd is a social network site/app that lets you log and review the movies you’ve watched to your profile, but it’s more than just a way to track movies – it’s a thriving community of avid film fans and a way to discover new, exciting, and interesting films to watch. Letterboxd has all the films you can think of and more catalogued in its archive, with every film on the platform teeming with one to five star reviews. Thanks to its status as an online social network and its usability, Letterboxd is quickly becoming a place for a younger generation to join in on appreciating, critiquing, and discussing film.

Though Letterboxd’s excellent features quickly makes itself a hub from where you can track all your movies, what makes the platform so special is its vibrant community. Reviews on the site can range from measured and serious to outright ridiculous and satirical, making film discussions a wonderful place to laugh and learn something new about that one film you just watched.

You’ll also find countless curated lists of movies created by random users about one specific thing like “Comfort Movies,” “The ultimate I can’t pick a movie list,” and “Films You Can Smell.” Through the efforts of film nerds on the platform, you’ll be able to delve deeper into the complexities of the cinema world, ranging anywhere from movies written by women, to guides on Asian cinema.

Letterboxd is probably the best place to be right now as a student who’s passionate about film. It’s a place where you can post your hot takes about films and find people who feel the same way, as well as a place to broaden your horizons and open yourself up to different genres of film. With its active community, as well as insights from industry experts and filmmakers, it’s a platform where you can absorb all the best that film has to offer. In a time like now where we’re missing that experience with friends at the theatre, Letterboxd feels like the next best thing and a step in the future of discussing film across the world. If you’re in any way about films and movie-making, this is the place to be.