For those who plan on starting their own channel or you just want to see how a YouTuber does what they do best, I’ve got something for you 😀 I have contacted one of our very own talented bloggers, Brenessa Roach, and she has kindly agreed to answer a few questions for me. So sit tight, grab yourself a drink or a snack, and read till the end for some advice on starting your own channel 🙂

1. Why did you decide to start making Youtube videos?
I have been watching YouTube since around 2006 and I would watch mainly Disney Channel videos. I then started watching makeup, fashion and singing videos. By the time I was 9 or 10, I wanted to make videos but my parents didn’t let me because I was too young, but around 2011 my parents let me open up my Brenwyntv channel with my sister. We posted one music video for “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” and I made American Girl doll videos (which are all private now). In 2013, I created BrenSings because I wanted a platform where I can see my improvement of singing so that is how that started.
2. Where do you get your inspiration for videos?
For my lifestyle channel (Brenwyntv), I honestly just get inspiration from life because I do a lot of journaling, crafts, music and various other hobbies during my day. So, these videos are very realistic of what my typical day looks like. As for my singing channel (BrenSings), I get inspiration from other cover artists and popular music on the top 100 charts!
And with all that being said, I have never really cared what other people think about me so it makes it a lot easier to post because I post what I like and what makes me happy.
3. How do you manage your channels while doing school and extracurricular activities?
So I have stuck to my posting schedule for a year now for my singing channel and it honestly wasn’t overwhelming at all especially because quarantine allowed me to film a lot more. Prior to quarantine, I would pre-film 3-4 covers at a time, edit them and schedule it usually for Fridays at 12pm.
As for my Brenwyntv channel, I just started it up again in August and I stopped for a bit once school started because I found the transition to online school to be hard while balancing everything else. However, I really made it my goal to balance everything and so far, I have been successful as it is February now and I have not missed a week on my lifestyle channel. In conclusion, my motivation is what drives me and stops me from being too overwhelmed.
4. How long would you say you usually spend recording and editing for your channels?
For my singing channel, the process honestly depends on the song. There are songs I have put out within 24 hours of the celebrity releasing it (such as Dynamite by BTS) and there are songs that have taken days or months to practice. Normally non-English songs such as Korean or Spanish take a lot longer to learn but editing for this channel doesn’t take too long — I usually just add an endscreen and mix the music track.
As for my lifestyle channel, I only film certain days when I am doing different things (to keep my videos different from each other) and filming doesn’t take long because it’s just little snippets of my life. However, editing for these videos takes a while! Because of school work and classes, I usually spend 1-3 days editing one video and I will edit for about 1-3 hours but, on weekends or days I have no work, I will edit in one sitting (usually about 4 hours + an extra hour for exporting the video).
5. Do you have any tips for beginners?
I feel that I get this question a lot and I never know what to say because personally my YouTube channels are a reflection of who I am. I try not to get super personal online but I am 100% authentic and like I mentioned earlier, I try not to care what others think. Having this mindset allows me to post whatever I like and whatever makes me happy.
One piece of advice I would give is to not revolve your whole channel or brand around your views or subscriber count because it is just a number and everything takes time to grow.
*Stay tuned for my next article as you will learn how to start your own sticker store with Brenessa! 😀
Check out her channels below: