This is “That’s Just Our Opinion”. That’s Just Our Opinion, or TJOO is a show that is focused on people’s unpopular opinions. It also has a focus on whether others agree with these opinions or whether they have a totally different opinion that goes against the original one. The show includes fun and friendly banter between the hosts that could lead to heated debates, but who doesn’t like a debate about unpopular opinions, like pineapple on pizza. Are you on #teampineappleonpizza or #teamNOpineappleonpizza. We also can’t forget about the audience interaction that will be included so that everyone’s opinions are included, after all no two people have the same exact opinion. We will be talking about everything from TTC opinions to people’s opinions on certain foods to the current social trends #theegg. The show will be hosted by Aviva Mirsky and Daniel Lindo, but we go by Aviva and Lindo. And what was one of Kiss 92.5s most popular shows a couple years ago - “Blake and Wylde” and we are “Aviva and Lindo” so our names alone suggests our success. We are two opinionated first year students who are eager to get on the radio. We are super excited to be on the radio and hope you all enjoy the show as much as we enjoy doing it. And on that note, do you put the cereal or the milk first? #that’sjustouropinion