Affordable and sustainable yarn – shopping past acrylic

Affordable and sustainable yarn – shopping past acrylic By Zoe Lewis Acrylic is the most popular material for beginner fiber artists to start with.  It is readily available at the craft store for a price tag that can’t be beaten.  However, it certainly has it’s downsides.  Acrylic is plastic, essentially a ball of microplastics.  Not only is it harmful to the environment, but it possesses other downsides as well.  It lacks breathability turning garments into a very sweaty experience. It gets pilly, loses its softness, stretches, warps, and overall is one of my least favourite fibers.  While there are benefits

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Scrappy Stash Busting Project Ideas

Scrappy Stash Busting Project Ideas By Zoe Lewis After a few completed crochet or knitted projects, it’s almost certain you have some leftover yarn sitting around. Maybe your piece didn’t need every inch of fiber, maybe you slightly overbought, or maybe you keep every single little cut-off end in a jar.  These little pieces are not garbage, and you don’t have to use them to make prettier garbage either.  Get out your needles and get out your hooks! Here are 5 project ideas with free pattern suggestions that you can make with odds and ends that are actually useful (because

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