I Don’t Know What’s Happening, and Crashing Waves

I Don’t Know What’s Happening, and Crashing Waves By Max von SchillingReem Al Sharif Sometimes, things don’t go to plan. Sometimes things aren’t your best work. Honestly, this one isn’t mine. But that’s okay, because I survived this week. And sometimes, that’s just that. Ironically, this blog was meant to be a space that I decided on after (what I thought) would be the worst of it, for a while. And yet, here we are. This week has been a train wreck, I’ve got a million things due, and somehow they’re all still the same things due at the end

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(Shay) Bel Sokkar

(Shay) Bel Sokkar By: Reem Al Sharif Welcome to Bel Sokkar, grab a warm cup of tea and snuggle close, afterall that’s what the title says. (Shay) bel sokkar, which directly translates to (tea) with sugar, from Arabic, asks you to put away the bitterness of everyday, and come have a little sweetness of knowing you’re not doing it alone. Here, is where I’m releasing all the overwhelmingness of the real world, or trying to, and hope you can put the weights down with me. Sometimes there’s an unbearable heaviness in trudging through everyday things and not-so-everyday things, what happens

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