Hypersexualization of Women in Pop Culture

In the final episode of the season, Madi and Courteney tackle the biggest topic so far: the hypersexualization of women in pop culture. Exploring examples like Framing Britney Spears, WAP, Tik Tok and OnlyFans, the hosts discuss the normalization of female-hypersexualization, and the complicated relationship between empowerment and personal choice.

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Femvertising and Commodity Activism

This episode, Madi and Courteney revisit the topic of advertising, but this time through the lens of women’s empowerment and activism. Analyzing a number of different ads from menstrual hygiene brands, Secret deodorant and Nike, the hosts unpack socially-charged ads from big brands and how images of activism can be very profitable while simultaneously cheapening various social movements.

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Sex and Advertising

This week, Madi and Courteney explore the world of advertising and why many companies use sex to sell products. Through the use of various examples, the hosts discuss the adverse effects of sex and advertising, how sexual advertisements differ between genders, and what advertising tactics we should be aware of as consumers.

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