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Podcasts: The Stream Team
The Stream Team will explore the world of streaming services and the wonderful vastness of the content they provide, ranging from sitcoms and dramas to action adventure and even anime. The Stream Team will provide insight into many different genres and talk about the best shows within them. Our show will start with an opening theme, then the hosts (Cole and Ben) introduce the streaming service and its content being explored, then they will discuss the sitcom/comedy shows together, then Cole will talk about the action adventure shows, then Ben will talk about the dramas/legal dramas, then Cole will talk about the anime shows, then Ben will talk about best shows to watch while under the influence, then closing remarks and rating of streaming service content in each genre, and finally hosts sign off. Other shows that discuss streaming services and their content may only be talking about a certain genre and might not have knowledge of the wide variety of the content offered. With our exceptional level of expertise and opinions, we cover a wide range of the genres of content offered on each different streaming platform, and offer recommendations, opinions, and ratings based on quantity, quality, and variety of the content.