In Intolerance is a show hosted by two second year RTA Media Production Students, Jimmy Kwan and Ayat Mohamed Salih. The show covers cases of intolerance and discrimination that undergraduate students across Ontario face. Topics covered include but are not limited to sexism, racism, misogyny, anti-black racism, classism, transphobia, queer phobia, ableism, and homophobia.
Sometimes these issues take form in a public hate post on Reddit. Or sometimes intolerance is found in an ignorant statement a professor makes. Other times, discrimination is felt by passing remarks from a classmate. The show critically evaluates news articles, interviews, and systems and social structures that allow these violent happenings to occur. The aim of In Intolerance is to bring light to these issues that students face across Ontario.
If you have any stories that you would like to share, you can find a safe anonymous space on this show. Contact Jimmy or Ayat at and If you are worried about feeling exposed, don’t fret. Any personal information can be presented as anonymous. On the flipside, you can also drop in for a live phone interview. Stories don’t necessarily have to involve you either. If you have any peers who face discrimination and want to bring light to their issues, these stories can also be presented.
Join the discussion. In Intolerance airs every Friday at 1 PM, only on SpiritLive.