Have you ever wanted to listen to 2 nerds who’ve watched too many movies and read too many books discuss the biggest topics in entertainment and pop culture? From the latest and greatest TV shows and movies to the box office bombs – we’ll cover it all.
Every Thursday at 2pm, grab some popcorn, get cozy and hangout with Kelsey and Monique as they chat about the wild sh*t that just happened on Riverdale, that cool new trailer for Fantastic Beasts, and the weirdest new book to movie adaptation and how they’re getting it all wrong.
Enjoy hit segments like “Book Club” in which we ask our listeners to read a book of our choosing with a new movie adaptation. At the end of the semester, tune into a special episode in which we compare thoughts on how the adaptation lived up the the original: was it a hit? Or a flop?
Or expand your own media horizons with our weekly recommendation. Each week, we share about new (and old) stuff to explore, ranging from TV & book reviews to niche podcasts and video games, or anything else that catches our eye.
So get your nerd on with Kelsey and Monique on Free Form, only on Spiritlive!