The Intersection is a live radio show co-hosted by first-year RTA Media Production students, Miles and Gavriel. The show aims to explore the framework of intersectionality through current events and music. Intersectionality can be seen as a way of viewing what it means to be a minority within a minority. The hosts use their voices to discuss and further the audience’s, and their own, understanding of what it is like being caught in the crosshairs of such an intersection. You will not only hear from these hosts, but also guests who are able to share their own experiences in the face of adversity and everyday life. The music played will usually connect to the topic and theme of that day’s show in order to enhance the experience and hopefully further listening enjoyment. You’ll hear recurring artists and themes on the show, but you will never
get an outright repetition. You can expect to hear songs from artists like Solange, BROCKHAMPTON, Steve Lacy, Frank Ocean, Lauryn Hill, and more. We hope to expose you to some new and old music while also exposing you to some important issues. Expanding on ideas of inclusivity and equity over equality, the Intersection hopes to create a community and space where individuals are heard and seen in a world where they feel overlooked.